Dracula 3000 makes it to The Top 5 Worst Vampire Movies

(October 29, 2007) With Halloween and all coming up, various top horror charts are appearing on the net. One of them takes a look at worst vampire movies ever. Surprisingly Dracula 3000 makes it almost to the top :)

Three reviewers posted their charts on the web and you have to more or less agree with them. Was there even anybody who liked Dracula 3000? IMDb rating 1,9 says it all. For me it's the worst Erika movie and I almost had a heart attack when Erika joked about Dracula 3000 being a trilogy :) Anyway, if you are a horror buff, take a look at link below to check out those charts.

http://www.411mania.com/movies/columns/62172/The-411-Top-5:-Week-84.htm Blank page